
May 23, 2019

The first training in Gothenburg

On the west coast of Sweden, in the town of Gothenburg, the first training course in Physical activity on prescription– the Swedish method (PAP-S) took place the 20th to 22nd of May 2019. The three-day course had participants from eight EU countries - Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and Malta attended.

Essential for the Swedish PAP-S method is that the work is patient-oriented with individualised counselling using diagnosis-specific and evidence-based recommendations of physical activity, leading to an individualised written prescription supplemented with a follow-up. During the course, specialist from multidisciplinary sectors provided a set of lectures with the core components, basic knowledge and skills for prescribing physical activity according to PAP-S method. Aspects that directs the dialog with a patient is important to consider and were therefore included and a part of the discussion with the participants. In addition were different symptoms, diagnoses, potential risk factors as well as behavior change, interview technique and the evidence based written knowledge bank called the FYSS included in the course curricula.

The course participants did field visits to centers working with PAP-S, where they were able to observe how professionals who are prescribing physical activity handled their daily issues with the patients. First-hand insight of what a professional workplace is actually like, can often contribute to a better awareness about the importance of knowing the patients physical activity background, role today and upcoming challenges.

A big Thanks! goes to our great instructors of the recent course!

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